Hear How SEO Pros Use SEOTesting

Agencies, in-house, consultants and publishers...

The people who get the most value from SEOTesting are the ones who are serious about SEO.

Agencies, in-house SEOs, consultants, publishers...

Take a look at how people like you are using SEOTesting and their favourite features and reports.

Image of Thomas Chetwyn

Thomas Chetwyn

SEO Content Manager, BT Group

No More Small Talk: How SEOTesting Dialed up BT's CTR by 71%

"The most significant impact of using SEOTesting has been stakeholder buy-in."

"We can now use data from tests to demonstrate the impact of SEO changes, enabling us to deliver SEO projects at scale."

Click here to read the full BT & SEOTesting case study.

Impressing Clients with Truly Great SEO Results

"Clients are impressed that we are able to quantify and forecast SEO results prior to full-scale implementation."

"We were immediately able to action recommendations found from the tests with a much greater degree of certainty around results!"

Click here to read the full Candour & SEOTesting case study.

Image of Jack Chambers-Ward

Jack Chambers-Ward

Marketing & Partnerships Manager, Candour

Image of Helen Freeman

Helen Freeman

SEO Manager, Domino's

The Domino Effect: How SEOTesting Delivered a Double-Digit Boost to Domino's CTR and Conversions

"We have seen double digit percentage growth from a number of our tests using SEOTesting, both from a click-through rate and converstion rate perspective. Being able to tie these uplifts to a revenue impact has been highly rewarding."

"It has made it easier for us to speak the language of the wider business, and meant we are perceived much more as a data-driven team."

Click here to read the full Domino's & SEOTesting case study.

2-3 hours of time saved on data gathering per day

"We began seeing significant results within just a few months of implementing SEOTesting, not just in terms of time saved but also in traffic to our site."

Click here to read The Big Phone Store & SEOTesting case study.

Image of Steven Athwal

Steven Athwal

Founder & Managing Director
The Big Phone Store

Image of Chris Cowan

Chris Cowan

SEO Manager, Ooni

A clear picture of how optimizations impacted traffic.

"Within a few weeks, SEOTesting helped paint a much clearer picture of how the optimizations we implemented impacted our metrics."

"SEOTesting has made it easier for us to track the performance of business-critical pages on the website, in the context of SEO."

Click here to read the full Ooni & SEOTesting case study.

Focus on demonstrating results.

"SEOTesting enables us to run SEO tests for clients and easily see in one place whether these tests have succeeded. It gives us a straightforward snapshot of before and after."

Click here to read the full StudioHawk & SEOTesting case study.

Image of Lawrence Hitches

Lawrence Hitches

General Manager, StudioHawk

Image of Ivan Stamenkovic

Ivan Stamenković

Head of Organic Performance Operations, Better Collective

Saves hours of reporting time.

"When we started using SEOTesting, we were impressed by the fact that we were able to run tests to verify whether optimization efforts brought about any traffic impact."

"Using SEOTesting, we now have ready-made graphs and statistical data that can be used to tell compelling stories about the work we do. Budget buy-in from management is now easier. Setting up a test takes a couple of minutes and saves hours of reporting later on."

Click here to read the full Better Collective & SEOTesting case study.

Decathlon improved Non-Brand traffic by 62% using SEOTesting

"Using SEOTesting, we are now able to analyse our data much better, and more visually. This has allowed us to make quick data driven decisions on priorities of where we need to focus in terms of content."

"The team find it really easy to use, and easy to understand the data and reasoning behind decisions we take."

Click here to read the full Decathlon & SEOTesting case study.

Image of Patrick Cunningham

Patrick Cunningham

SEO Leader Decathlon, Ireland

Image of Edd Wilson

Edd Wilson

Head of SEO Strategy, Impression

Double down on tasks that actually provide ROI.

"The SEO industry is full of best practices and discussions around ranking factors but nothing beats testing these out. SEOTesting allows us to test implementations for our clients and double down on tasks that actually provide ROI. Being able to share our tests and results also allows us to be transparent and it also provides great discussion points during meetings & quarterly performance reviews."

Favorite reports and features:

The data you need to make informed recommendations to clients

"I started using SEOTesting to test out a significant (and hard to measure on a page-by-page basis) change on a client's site. Setting up the project was really simple, and it was such a weight off my mind knowing that SEOTesting was tracking it all, and I wouldn't have to pour over rows and rows of data. Reporting back on the changes to my client was really simple with the charts included in each project, and I love the additional reports available. Top query per page has changed my life and saved me so much time."

Favorite reports and features:

No more manual spreadsheets.

"I always preach a data first strategy to my SEO clients. For me, this is the most transparent method to show the positives (and sometimes negative) effects of various on page & off page optimisations. The problem? This would often require hours of setting up and managing spreadsheets. The solution? SEOTesting.com. SEOTesting has so brilliantly filled a gap that was crying out to be filled in the SEO space. It allows me to set up automated SEO Tests within seconds. No more manual spreadsheets. Nick has created a tool which should be a part of every serious SEOs toolbox."

Favorite reports and features:

Saves us so much time, we use it for every client

"SEOTesting saves us some much time, we use it for every client. We can quickly review every client from the SEO Testing dashboard. It helps us find new opportunities for optimizing pages that just need a little push. Once a potential page has been identified, we run experiments to see the overall impact on the page of changes we make to the page or to the off page backlink profile. This is one of my favorite SEO Tools in my SEO Toolbox."

Favorite reports and features:

Simon White

Co-Founder Local Blitz

Marty Meany

Senior SEO, Three Ireland

See the real impact on your organic search...

"I'm often asked about the one SEO tip you give people running websites. The answer is simple, don't ignore Google Search Console data - both in terms of tracking your optimisations but uncovering opportunities. SEOTesting is an ideal addition to your SEO toolkit to make doing this easy. It helps me uncover trends and opportunities along tracking the impact of changes. The new Group Test functionality is a fantastic way of changing multiple pages and seeing what the real impact on your organic search is."

Favorite reports and features:

Track results like never before...

"SEOTesting is a key part of our SEO Toolkit. We consistently run tests for our clients, and SEOTesting helps us identify opportunities, prioritize optimizations, and track results like never before."

Favorite reports and features:

  • SEO testing
  • Top Queries per Page report
  • Winners & Losers report

Branko Kral

Chosen Data

Kara Akers

Laughing Samurai

Clients are happy seeing results...

"SEOTesting has changed the way we approach client work. We save a ton of time tracking results and clients are happy as they can easily see results from our work."

Favorite reports and features:

Drive SEO strategy...

"SEOTesting helps me uncover hidden secrets about how Google understands my client’s content. I quickly find opportunities to drive SEO strategy, and I can use the easy reports to educate my clients and increase sales."

Favorite reports and features:

Chris Giarratana


Andy Barr


Discover new product lines...

"SEOTesting helps us cut down on time and resources needed to identify optimization opportunities and educate our clients for upsell opportunities. This tool helps us discover new product lines for clients, and generate thousands of dollars of profits in just a few months!"

Favorite reports and features:

Ideas for new content...

"SEOTesting fits into my process mainly after content has been published and for ideas for new content. I was blown away by the way that I could easily record optimisation changes made to pages and know within a time frame if the changes produced the results I expected."

Favorite reports and features:

Leslie Gilmour

Cube Digital

Ryan Mitchell


Simplified my work flow enormously...

"After spending hours collating data in spreadsheets, I found SEOTesting and it has simplified my work flow enormously. It has helped automate a lot of the reports I generated manually and let me get a clearer view of the outcomes from the changes I am making on my site."

Favorite reports and features:

Super easy to get going.

Nothing to install on site

No code to add to pages

2 clicks to integrate SEOTesting with Google Search Console

Try free for 14 days