Google Search Console Email Alerts

Written by Ryan Jones. Updated on 01, July 2024

Google Search Console stands out as one of the premier SEO tools available. It offers almost unparalleled insights and functionalities, considering it features first-party data from Google.

One area where it falls short is with its limited email alerts. This gap means that significant changes to your site may go unnoticed without constant monitoring until it's too late.

Enter SEOTesting's email alerts feature to bridge this critical gap for SEOs. With email notifications, you can take swift action the moment something impacts your site, ensuring you're always ahead in maintaining and enhancing your SEO performance.

This article will detail all the email alerts available within SEOTesting.

What Google Search Console Email Alerts are Available within SEOTesting?

SEOTesting offers a comprehensive suite of email reports, including:

  • Daily Update
  • Daily New Page
  • Weekly Winners & Losers
  • Weekly New Keywords
  • Sitemap Monitor.

These reports are designed to keep you informed about your website's progress.

For in-house SEO professionals, agency staff, and SEO consultants managing multiple clients' websites, Google Search Console Email Alerts sent by SEOTesting are a crucial tool. They provide real-time updates on your site's traffic changes, enabling you to respond to any abnormal website activity swiftly.

It could be a blog post surging in popularity or a URL that starts ranking when it should not (eg it is should be set as noindex). These situations happen constantly in SEO, and these email alerts have been built to ensure you do not miss anything urgent.

Daily Update Email

SEOTesting email alert showing Google Search Console updates and metrics for a domain.

The daily update email from SEOTesting is a great way to monitor the performance of the websites within your SEOTesting account.

Every day, you will receive an email informing you that the latest batch of Google Search Console information is now available and SEOTesting has been updated. It will also give you information on:

  • Average Position
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR

In addition, you will also receive a comparison of the latest seven days of data to the previous week, allowing you to see, at a glance, whether your site is improving or declining.

Daily New Page Email

SEOTesting email alert showing new pages that appeared in Google search results for a site.

This email alert is great for websites that regularly publish new content. You will receive an email from SEOTesting letting you know that a new URL has started appearing within Google search results.

One handy use case for this email alert is to check the speed of indexation you are currently receiving from Google. Say, for instance, that you published a new piece of content on a Monday, and on Tuesday evening, you receive this email letting you know that it has started to get impressions. That means you now know that Google is taking around 24 hours to start indexing your content.

It's also a great piece of information for clients to know, so if they contract you to write an article, they can expect it to be indexed soon after publishing.

Weekly Winners & Losers Email

SEOTesting email alert showing weekly update with winners and losers report summary for a domain.

Once SEOTesting has the last week of complete data from Google Search Console, you will receive the weekly 'Winners & Losers' email.

This email alert will give you a rundown of the queries that have gained and lost the most clicks in the past seven days. A little further down within the email alert, you will get the same information for pages rather than queries.

This is excellent information to have at a glance, as you can quickly spot any pages that are growing exponentially. More importantly, you will be able to spot pages & queries that are losing a lot of clicks rapidly, so you can jump in and, one, find out why, and two, take decisive action.

Weekly New Keywords Email

SEOTesting email alert showing top 10 new queries your site started ranking for last week.

In my opinion, this is one of the best email alerts from SEOTesting. The Weekly New Keywords email will let you know the top 10 new queries your site started ranking for in the last week.

You will be notified of the query and the number of impressions that it received in the last week within the email.

This is excellent information at your fingertips, as it will give you insight into how your content is seen in search results. Take the example above, we can see:

  • Two queries related to AI tools.
  • A query related to SEO tools.
  • A query associated with a GA4-based article we have published recently.

This is good information. We have published these articles relatively recently, so it is good to know they are getting picked up in the SERPs.

Sometimes, you will also notice queries that you did not expect to be ranking for. If this is the case, you can dig into these queries, find the page that ranks for them, and add information to that page to get even more impressions and clicks if relevant.

Sitemap Monitor Email

This feature is in beta at the time of writing with our testers.

One of the new features released to SEOTesting recently has been the Website Monitor, which allows you to monitor your own sitemap and a competitor's sitemap on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Thanks to this feature release, we can now offer an email alert that shows which links in these sitemaps have been updated. The email will provide information on all the URLs that have been added to the sitemap, all the URLs that have been amended, and all the URLs that have been removed from the sitemaps that you are monitoring.

This is a great way to ensure you are:

  1. On top of any issues with your site, for example, pages being amended or removed that you did not want to be amended or removed.
  2. On top of what your competitors are doing with their site. Are they publishing a new page? You will know. Are they updating a page? You will know this, too.

How to Turn Email Reports On & Off within SEOTesting

We know that, in some cases, you might only need some of these email alerts for your business or website, so we have also made it incredibly easy to turn them off and on as needed.

Log Into Your SEOTesting Account

Your first step is to log into your SEOTesting account and head to your dashboard. We're using our account to demonstrate.

SEOTesting dashboard showing clicks and impressions per day for over a one-year period.

Select the 'Account' Tab

Head to the 'Account' section on the left side of your screen. The highlighted screenshot below can serve as a guide.

SEOTesting dashboard showing clicks and impressions per day with account tab highlighted in the sidebar.

Turn On Or Off As Needed

Now that you are within your account settings, you can use the tickboxes provided to turn the email alerts on and off according to your preference. As the screenshot below shows, we have all our alerts turned on for the SEOTesting website, but they have yet to be turned on for the other sites within our account.

SEO Testing account management page showing website and email settings for different alerts and updates.

Wrapping up

While Google Search Console is a premier SEO tool offering invaluable insights and functionalities, its limited email alerts can leave critical changes unnoticed. SEOTesting addresses this shortfall with its comprehensive suite of email alerts, ensuring SEOs receive real-time updates on their site's performance.

These alerts, including Daily Update, Daily New Page, Weekly Winners & Losers, and Weekly New Keywords, allow quick action to maintain and enhance SEO performance.

By integrating SEOTesting's email alerts, SEO professionals can ensure they stay ahead in monitoring and saving time while optimizing their websites efficiently.

Take your SEO performance to the next level with SEOTesting's comprehensive email alerts! Stay informed with real-time updates on your website's traffic, new keywords, and content performance.

Try our powerful features risk-free with a 14-day free trial-no credit card required. Sign up today and never miss a critical update again! Sign up for SEOTesting today.