Google Search Console Rank Tracker in

Written by Nick Swan. Updated on 31, January 2024

SEOTesting has a rank tracker which is built on Google Search Console data. This will help you monitor your site’s position in the search result pages for the keywords important to your site.

Screenshot of rank tracking in using Google Search Console data

Rank tracking in using Google Search Console data

It updates once a day and brings in the latest ranking position for the keywords you want to track, plus the daily change. It also gets the rank for 7, 30, 90, and 365 days ago so you can see longer term trends.

County level rank tracking

When adding a site to SEOTesting you can choose to filter all the data returned by a specific country, this allows you to also track keywords ranking down to the country level as well.

Historical data

You can also view a keyword’s rank as far back as 16 months, which you can do even if you haven’t been tracking the keyword before.

Screenshot of QueryDetails in SEOTesting.

16 months of data is available for a query even if it hasn't been added to your track list.

If you add a keyword to your rank tracking list today, you’ll still have 16 months worth of rank tracking data available as this is stored in Google Search Console and retrieved for you.

SEOTesting also reports on the keyword clicks, impressions and click through rate data directly from Google Search Console.

Annotate the keyword

From the 16 months of historical data you can add annotations to the graphs. These can be to indicate when you’ve done work to try and improve your sites ranking for a keyword.

Screenshot of an annotated Google Search Console graph in

You can annotate Google Search Console graphs in

We also annotate Google Algorithm updates to keyword graphs so you can track how your rankings have been affected by algorithm changes.

Common Issues

While this ranking data is freely available for your site from Google Search Console and available as a rank tracker in - there are some drawbacks to be aware of:

No competitor rank tracking

You’ll only be able to rank track your own site.

Depending on which tool you use, other rank trackers that scrape the search results are able to also track the rankings of your competitors.

Data is two days old

The data that is available through the API is currently at least 2 days old. This means there is a little lag between your rankings potentially changing and these changes being reported to you, but the daily watching of rankings isn’t a good thing anyway!

No rank

If your site does not appear in the search results for a query, Google Search Console will not report a rank for it. This could happen for a few common reasons:

  1. Your page targeting the query appears on page 18 of the search results and nobody page’s that far through.
  2. You do not currently have a page that ranks for the target keyword at all.
  3. Nobody actually searches for the keyword you are tracking.

Rank tracking tools that scrape the search results can sometimes cause two issues:

  1. They create impressions for a keyword that doesn’t actually get any search volume.
  2. Similar to above, they give a rank position for a keyword that will never get any clicks - so is a bit pointless targeting/tracking anyway. has a free 14 day trial - so please give the rank tracking tool within the app a try today!