Nick Swan

As SEOTesting is a single person company Nick spends his time doing a bit of everything. Building new features, supporting customers and writing documentation and articles.

You can find Nick on Twitter and LinkedIn, or drop him an email


Click Through Rate (CTR) Curve

SEOTesting will build a click-through rate curve just for your site, removing brand keywords if necessary. This can help you find patterns of over and under-performing queries, find search intent mismatch, and also identify where you could potentially be running Google Ads.

Sitemap Monitoring and alerts to pages changed, added, or removed

In-house SEOs and agencies managing large websites face challenges with teams altering site content. Unnoticed changes can impact SEO significantly. SEOTesting's Sitemap Monitor tool offers a solution by tracking XML sitemaps and sending daily email alerts about modified, added, or removed pages. This tool helps ensure that changes do not harm SEO performance.

Magic Links: easily share access to SEO tests and reports

The Magic Link functionality in SEOTesting allow you to share SEO tests, reports, and data with team-members, management, and clients - without them needing an SEOTesting account.

End of month report in SEOTesting

Use the new End of Month report in SEOTesting to report on sites' organic search performance in Google. No longer pulling the data from Search Console manually, this report will save you hours of time each month.

ROI of SEO - how to measure business results from SEO changes

GA4 event and conversion data helps us show the business results and ROI from SEO changes. See how SEOTesting can be used to look at pages and sections of a site before and after changes are made to show the real business impact our SEO work is making.

Brand vs Non-Brand SEO Report - Based On Search Console Data

Review how Brand vs Non-Brand keywords are performing in Google with our new report in SEOTesting. Useful for PR, digital agencies, and in-house SEO teams to measure brand awareness in the SERPs.

SEOTesting is looking to grow our Development Team!

Exciting News, @SEOTesting is looking to grow our Development Team!

Why niche site owners should use

If you are running a niche site, can save you huge amounts of time and spot great opportunities from Google Search Console data. Check out the reports to use and how SEO tests can help you.

Content Decay Report - find pages that need a content refresh

The Content Decay Report from SEOTesting will show you the pages on your site that have declining traffic from a peak position over the last 13 months. Use this to implement a content refresh strategy and get those clicks back from Google.

SEO SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)

Our library of SEO SOPs will help your organization and team complete SEO tasks in a process drive and successful way. Ensure the output of your team matches your high standard. You can use our SOPs as they are, or edit them to fit your needs.

SEO Interview Questions

SEO interview questions for when you are hiring for the next position in your SEO team. We've put together some great technical questions for different positions, as well as some softer getting-to-know-you ones to ask.

Publish New Content Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Clicking the publish button on any new article should be the beginning of its lifecycle. We have a set of steps you can follow or use as a starting point for your own SOP around what to do when you've just published a brand-new piece of content.

Content Refresh Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

This SOP will show you how to find content to refresh, find out what's missing, bring all the new headings and queries together, and how to use time-based SEO testing to see the improvement your work brings.

How to SEO test Page Titles

Improving page titles is one of the quickest ways to get more clicks to your page from the organic search listings in Google. We take you through how to do it, best practices, case studies, and, most importantly how to record the results.