Tiago Silva

Tiago loves Marketing and Technology. He's a content creator for SEOTesting.com, covering anything related to SEO and especially Google Search Console.

He also has his own blog and, YouTube channel. During his downtime, he likes to exercise and go on hikes with his dog.

You can find Tiago on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube.


SERP: The Low Down on Search Engine Results Pages

Discover what SERP means and why they are important for SEO. This article gives you the full run-down so you are better familiarized with them in your SEO journey.

Duplicate, Google Chose Different Canonical than User - What Is It? How Do I Fix It?

This article will show you why Duplicate, Google Chose Different Canonical than User happens, how you can find pages with this indexing error, and the steps you can take to fix it.

Redirect FAQs: Answering your Common Questions

In this article, we will answer all of the common questions around redirects. Are they bad for SEO? Are temporary redirects bad? Is it better to use 301 or 302 redirects? Answers to all of these questions and more can be found here.

Beginners Guide to Internal Linking for SEO

Internal linking holds huge importance in SEO as it's the only method of building links that you have 100% control over. In this article we will talk about what internal links are, how they differ from external links, why they are important for users and why they are important for SEO.

How to Fix the Excluded by 'Noindex' Tag Error in Google Search Console?

The excluded by 'noindex' status is a coverage status given by Google Search Console to show when a page has not been included in Google's index. In this article, we will explain more about this status and how to fix it on your own website.

My Google Search Console (GSC) Account Does Not Show Any Data

We go through the most common reasons why your GSC site property may not be showing performance data, with some steps you can take to fix the problem.

'Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt'. What is it and how to fix it?

What does 'Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt' mean when it's reported in Google Search Console, and how do you go about resolving the reported issues?